India 5000 Privacy Policy

The INDIA 5000 Business Awards is a brand managed by Benchmark Trust and TQV Private Limited (Formerly known as TQV Certification Services Private Limited) is their audit and process partner, which manages all the legal matters.

This privacy policy manages the collection as well as use of the personal details by INDIA 5000. To get more details about INDIA 5000, you can visit

We are dedicated to protect and respect your privacy. Our privacy policy describes the kinds of personal details we collect and how to use those details to whom we share with, how to protect those details and the legal rights with regard to your information. Here, we are dedicated to abide by our privacy policy and requirements of all the applicable laws, with operations of our business.

Please read the privacy policy carefully because it explains our practices and views regarding the personal details as well as how they will be handled. By browsing or accessing our website, you authorize that you have gone through, understood and agreed to our privacy policy and all its points. In case, you don’t agree with any of the practices given here, you should not use our website.

Who We Are

For the objective of relevant data protection laws, the data controller is INDIA 5000, B/4-27, Yogeshwar Park Apartments, B/H. Aakashwani Quarters, University Road, Rajkot 360005, Gujarat, India.

Information Covered Under This Policy

The privacy policy includes all the personal information gathered as well as used by INDIA 5000. Here, "personal information" indicates information, which (either in combination or in isolation with the other information collected by us) allows you to get identified as the individual or renowned directly or indirectly. It may consist of your name, sex, date of birth, email address, postal address, phone number, computer IP address, credit card number, technical information and login information from devices that you use for getting our services.

Personal Information

We may gather information about you from various resources given below in detail:

Information You Provide to Us:

When you use and browse our website (like doing registration for the awards or fill the form on our website) as well as when you communicate with us through email, phone or any other mean of contact, you may provide us details about yourself. The details you provide us may consist of your name, postal address, payment processing details, email address, mobile or landline number, delivery address, access requirements as well as information regarding your employment (with job title, employer’s details and responsibilities) and other personal details.

Information We Gather About You:

Regarding all your visits of our website, we may use cookies as well as other technologies for automatically collecting the following details:

  • Technical information like Internet protocol (IP) address utilized to connect your computer with the internet, browser version and type, your login details, time zone settings, browser plug-in versions and types, platform and operating systems
  • Information about all your visits, including complete Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstreams to as well as from our website, the products you view or search, page response timing, download errors, length of visit to definite pages, page interaction details (like scrolling, mouse-overs and clicks), methods utilized to browse the pages as well as a phone number utilized to contact us

Information We Collect and Receive from the Other Sources:

We may get your information from the other websites used by INDIA 5000 group or from other services we offer. We work closely with the third parties like app providers and payment processors and may get information regarding you from them. Also, we may collect information about you from the publicly available resources like publicly available social media content.


Our website uses cookies to differentiate you from the other users. It helps us in providing you some good experiences when you search the website and helps us improving our website. For more information on cookies that we use as well as the objectives for which we utilize them, just go through our cookie policy at:

How We Use Your Personal Information

To Provide You Services and Goods

We may need to use all your personal details where it’s required for us to do some obligations under the agreement with you, for instance when you have bought our services as well as to make sure that your requirements get fulfilled at the event. Using all your personal details in such a way is required for us to do our promised obligations with you.

Make Sure that Your Requirements Get Fulfilled

We can use all your personal details for better understanding your preferences and requirements in order that we can offer you a personalized experience. It is in sincere interest to analyze your requirements in order that we can customize our events according to that to meet your requirements in a better way.

Make Complete Booking Using Our Website

We need to utilize your contact details (like your email id or postal address) to help you make any bookings using our website. With the use of your personal details in this way is required for us to do our promised obligations for you.

Process All Your Payments as well as Defend against All the Fake Transactions

We may require processing all your personal details to keep all your payments secured as well as protect against all the fake transactions. It’s in our genuine interest to process all the personal details to keep all the customer payments safe and secured.

Tell You More about the Special Offers

We may require using your personal details (like your email id or telephone number) for sending information about the services, which you might be interested with. Please keep in mind that we may also share your personal details with INDIA 5000 group’s other entities for this objective. We will ask you for your permission before processing any information.

Identify Problems Related to Our Server or Managing Our Website

We may use your personal details like your IP address for diagnosing server problems or managing our website. Also, we will ask you for your permission to use cookies before any processing.

Analyze User’s Traffic to Evaluate Website Users and Improve the Website Content and Services

At times, we may use your personal details (like your IP address) for measuring use of our website and analyze the efficiency of our web pages including our website advertising. We may utilize the personal details to improve website content and our services. It’s our genuine interest to analyze the user traffic with the intension that we can make our website better to meet customers’ requirements.

Meet With the Legal Requirements and Exercise or Defend Legal Claims

At times, we may need to use personal details to meet the legal requirements for which we are subjected (for instance, with respect to safety and health). It’s in our genuine interest to analyze personal information for the objective to comply with the legal requirements for which we are the subject.

Evaluate How People Go Through the Award Event

We need to utilize your personal details (like information regarding your location) for understanding how the people have gone through the award event we have hosted. It’s our genuine interest to utilize your location details to monitor the movements through our award events.

Personal Information Transfer

We may distribute your personal details to any member of INDIA 5000 group of companies including holding companies and subsidiaries if any to help you access our services and provide you customer support as well as conduct other activities given in the privacy policy.

We may use agents, contractors or other companies ("Service Providers") to provide services on our behalf or help us in provision of the services for you. For instance, we may hire Service Providers for providing market research, advertising, communications, marketing, event management (together with health, safety, audio-visual and logistics services), bookings and meetings (with accommodation), IT, hosting, training as well as other subscription, infrastructure and payment processing, discount management as well as data cleansing & processing services.

To provide such services, all the Service Providers may need access of your personal information. Third parties are bound to utilize personal information for performing the services for which we have hired them. We will use our finest efforts to make sure that all these Service Providers working for us will retain your personal information safe & secured.

We May Disclose Your Personal Details to the Third Parties Like:

  • In the events, which we buy or sell any assets or business or in case we might reveal your personal information to the potential buyer or seller of such assets or business;
  • In case, any member of INDIA 5000 group or considerably all the assets are attained by the third party where case personal information about the customers will become amongst the transferred assets;
  • In case, we had to follow our duty by disclosing or sharing your personal information to obey any legal obligations or to enforce the terms & conditions or some other agreements as well as to protect the property, safety or rights of the INDIA 5000 group.

In some cases, for instance, on a product listing website, you might reach out straight to an exhibitor or supplier that may call you for business. In other cases, our essential products are sponsored as well as in those cases, the information you have given to us will be transferred to the sponsor.

Usually, we will inform you during the collection time if the product is a sponsored one. If you want to change the contact preferences using a distinct sponsor or exhibitor, please follow the unsubscribe request information. Unsubscribing with INDIA 5000 will stop [INDIA 5000] to contact you in future, however not the individuals or third parties with whom you have interrelated independently.

Where We Store All Your Data

The data which we gather from you might get transferred to as well as saved at, the destination within India. This may also get processed by the staff operating anywhere in India that is working for us or for one of our holdings. Such staff might be engaged with, among the other things, the condition of services to you or processing the payment details.

We always take all the necessary steps, which are reasonably necessary or mandatory to make sure that your information is treated safely and suitably for our privacy policy as well as applicable laws of data protection, including, whereas relevant, entering in the Indian standard contractual divisions (or corresponding measures) with a party within India receiving the information or data.

Personal Information Security

We use technical, physical and administrative measures to protect personal details against theft, loss and unauthorized access, uses or modifications. Some areas of our website might be secured by password. Whereas we have provided you a password, then it’s your responsibility to keep the password private. We request you not to give your passwords to anybody. Payments done through our website are treated in the secured environment through software given by the third-party service providers.

Third-Party Apps and Websites

Our website may have links to as well as from the third-party sites and we might offer you details about the apps given by third-parties. Please remember that in case, you are following a link of all these sites or downloaded the app, these apps and websites will have individual privacy policies and terms of use and we don’t take any liability or responsibility of these policies. So, please check all the policies before you provide any personal information to these apps or websites.

User Rights (Your Rights)

As a user, you have the following rights about your personal details. Let’s take a quick look at them:

Right to Access Information We Have About You

You have all the rights to ask us if we use your personal information as well as request the information on objectives of data processing and authorization about whether we utilize your personal details for the objectives only.

You can ask access to all the details we hold regarding you by connecting us using our contact details given below. We try to make our files of your details accessible to you in 1 month, while occasionally we might not give you access of the personal details we have about you (for instance, we might not provide you access in case, it would irrationally affect somebody else's privacy or create a serious threat for somebody's life, safety or health. Also, you have the rights to get informed from third parties for which we transmit your personal information within the range of our privacy policy.

Right to Get Your Information Edited or Deleted

In case, you have your account with us, then you can sign in to your account for updating your personal details. In case, you have any problem in updating the details on the account or in case you might want us to delete your details or in case you might like us to ask third-parties to whom we transmit your data in the range of the privacy policy for updating or deleting your details, then send your request to [email protected] and we will take immediate action.

Right to Object While Processing Your Information

You have all the rights to instruct us to stop using your information, even where the processing is needed for our genuine interests (for instance, where the handling is required for the genuine commercial objectives that we follow for our business), with the profiling we do to send the custom-made offers, product recommendations or similar content. Also, you have all the rights to object any results about the processing activities, which influence your rights as well as conducted completely using automated systems.

Also, you have the rights to ask us to stop using your information for direct marketing objectives including a profiling that we accept for the objectives of direct marketing. We will send you marketing materials in case you have formerly agreed to that, however in case you change your mind then you can certainly unsubscribe from this marketing communications any time through following the guidelines incorporated in the marketing communications.

Also remember that in case, you are agreed to get offers from the partners, they are in charge of taking account about your rights, comprising your right to choose getting different offers from them. However, you may choose to get offers anytime from the third-parties by doing log in to the user account as well as change the settings. In case, you had formerly opted for, your personal information will end up being transmitted to the partners from time that your request gets processed.

Right to Get Data Transmitted into Other Organization

While we hold the personal details about you giving your permission or for performance of doing contract, you have the privilege to ask us providing you, personal information that we have regarding you in the well-structured, machine-readable and commonly used format as well as wherever technically feasible for transmitting the information to other organization.

Changes in Privacy Policy

We reserve all the rights to change our privacy policy to our sole discretion without any prior notice. We will inform you about any changes (including as and when they take effect). You should continue to use our website or services following the changes in our terms, which means that you give your consent to all the changes.

Contact Us

If you want to ask anything to us or have questions about our privacy policy, then you can mail us at [email protected]. If you want to use all your rights with law of applicable data protection as well as our privacy policy, then contact us in writing at: INDIA 5000, B/4-27, Yogeshwar Park Apartments, B/H. Aakashwani Quarters, University Road, Rajkot 360005, Gujarat, India

India 5000 Business & Individual Nominations Have Started!

You may fill up our nomination form at earliest to get awarded.