Bhagwati Hardware & Mill Store
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2018
Bhagwati Hardware & Mill Store
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2018

Bhagwati Hardware & Mill Store
Sole Proprietorship
Precision Measuring and Testing Instruments
North Delhi

Bhagwati Hardware & Mill Store (Delhi), a leading supplier of precision measuring & Testing instruments since 1976, it’s a well known company in engineering and automobile sector all over India. BHMS is one of the largest distributors of engineering Instruments from world class MNCs, like Imada Japan, Elektrophysik Germany, Kroeplin Germany, RSK Japan, Teclock Japan, Peacock Japan, Kanetec Japan, Niigataseiki Japan serving a diverse customer base in the automobile and engineering goods sectors in India. With a well trained staff and well coded company ethics, BHMS has been able to provide after sales and calibration services to its customers to their entire satisfaction.
The enterprise has successfully completed 42 years of Excellence serving Indian Industry.
BHMS has been dealing in a large variety of Precision Measuring and Testing instruments and aims at further expansion with the inclusion of automated and advanced technologies.