Rekhapalli Environmental Solutions & Technologies Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 500 Startup Awards 2019
Rekhapalli Environmental Solutions & Technologies Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 500 Startup Awards 2019

Rekhapalli Environmental Solutions & Technologies Pvt Ltd
Private Limited Company
Manufacturing Agro based Innovative Products & Environmental Consultancy
West Godavari
Andhra Pradesh

They work to prevent, mitigate and remediate environmental events, and use their environmental regulatory systems knowledge to help shorten project timelines and stay on budget.
Their environmental, health & safety consulting work are enhanced by the specialized in-house training on Safety Enhancement Programme, Environmental & waste management programmes. Full service provides added value for their clients.
CEO Details

Srinivasarao Rekhapalli
B.Sc., A.M.I.I.Ch.E., M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD., FICER
Dr Rekhapalli Srinivasa Rao having 21 years of rich experience in Fertilizers, Oil & Gas industries (India & Overseas). He achieved his Doctorate in Environmental Sciences from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, for the thesis on “Automatic control of soot and unburnt hydrocarbons in steam assisted flares in Oil & Gas industry”. Indian patent approval in progress for this work. He published 5 international papers in various International Journals including IEEE explore and presented 2 international conferences. He is a Fellow member of International Congress in Environmental Research (F/131/16), Nagpur.
He played a major role while developing a concept of behavioral based safety, and having high level skills of root cause analysis concepts in industries. Attended international conferences and training programmes in different trainings like Behavior Based Safety Training by Behavioral Science Technology, UK; Professional Event Investigation by DET NORSKE VERITAS; HAZMAT handling, Product control and Operations, by A&M Texas University, Qatar; Emergency Response Team leader, Management of Major Emergencies (On shore) to Industrial Standards by QISC, Qatar; Safety and Fire Fighting Training in SASOL, South Africa. Visited 4 countries South Africa, Luxemburg, UK and Thailand in his journey of experience.