B.K. Arogyam & Research Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2019
B.K. Arogyam & Research Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2019

B.K. Arogyam & Research Pvt Ltd
Private Limited Company
Medical Sector
Uttar Pradesh

Bk Arogyam Hospital & Research center is the most authentic name in the medical sector that established 38 years ago in 1979, at Varanasi India by the famous Ayurvedic Specialist Vaidya Mr. N.L.Chaurasia. BK Arogyam is the most dependable hospital that promises to offer patients the genuine and 100% natural treatment for all types of Kidney disease treatment by ayurvedic medicine such as chronic kidney disease treatment, Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment, Nephrotic Syndrome and Acute Kidney Disease Treatment.
CEO Details

Dr. Brijesh Chaurasia
post-graduation in Ayurveda, Diploma in Medico-Legal Systems
Dr. B.K. Chaurasia, an internationally acclaimed physician and researcher, worked in the field of Kidney & Diabetes disease treatment by ayurveda for 20 years and produced brilliant results for numerous types of malignancies at all stages. He has been a forerunner in treating Kidney disease by ayurveda. With an uncommon knack towards research and medicine, Dr. B.K. Chaurasia is a true promoter and Kidney curer through science or ayurvedic medicine. Always valuing honesty, commitment, accountability, integrity, uprightness and dedication, his one dream is to make Kidney Care Medicine available to as many people as possible, at an affordable cost.He then undertook his post-graduation in Ayurveda in 2006 and later finished his Diploma in Medico-Legal Systems from Symbiosis Center of Health Care, Pune. It was during this time that he invented the Kidney care center.