Winner of India 500 Best Brand Awards 2022
Winner of India 500 Best Brand Awards 2022

Nexteel Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Housewares & Supplies
Manufacturing – Buildware/Sanitaryware.
Chennai - 600010
Tamil Nadu

A humble start with 7 members in 2015, Nexteel Industries has expanded to 75+ members and over 43 times in turnover as of the current fiscal year.
As of 2020, they have moved to India's largest manufacturing facility for Stainless Steel Water Tanks.
Through constant innovation and focus, they have positioned themselves as market leaders in their areas of operation.
There are currently branches and godowns in Tamil Nadu and Kerala, and Nexteel Industries Private Limited is active in five states.
Manufacturers of India’s #1 brand of Stainless Steel Water Tanks. Manufacturers of the market leader, Tiara.
Other brand lines include Arva, Aquinox, Tiara Plus and Tiara 316.
A leadership presence in five states: Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Goa.
Having India’s biggest manufacturing unit for Stainless Steel Water Tanks.
Only company in India that manufactures tanks and deep drawn parts in house.
Boasts of a strong 15+ Distributors across 4 states.
250+ A Class Dealer Network.
24 hour Delivery Promise.
After-sales service team dedicated to their products is part of the Tiara Care+ program.