Acuver Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2023
Acuver Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2023

Acuver Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
Private Limited Company
Business & Audit Services
IT Consultancy and Professional Services
Bengaluru (Bangalore) Urban
Bengaluru - 560102

Acuver Consulting is an IT technology company that specializes in supply chain management. Their products and services are designed to enable Brands help their customers get what they want, when they want and how they want.
Their team of 200+ members in which they have 100+ certified associates, 20+ architects, and 25+ active projects have been helping Retail Brands in the UK, Singapore, Australia, India, resolve problems that are not only technical but also operational and functional, ensuring they achieve their objectives in the new digital environment since the last ten years.
They reject the premise that there is a single, universal and ‘only technology’ based solution to a problem. Hence, their focus is on creating tailor-made, holistic and strategic solutions that address the underlying causes of the technical and systemic issues in a company and achieve its goals.
Teamwork, transparency, communication, knowledge of industry best practices, on-ground experience, functional skills and technological expertise come together at Acuver Consulting to keep working until their customers get what they want.
Founder & Managing Director Details

Mr. Sunny Nandwani
B.Tech Electronics & Communication ( Bhartiya Vidyapeeth ) MBA ( IIM B)
Mr. Sunny Nandwani, Founder and Managing Director of Acuver Consulting Pvt Ltd., has a characteristic warrior mentality, constantly picking bigger battles. He belongs to the kind of entrepreneurs who solve problems that usually miss attention. Nandwani’s attention is caught by challenges that aren’t typically ‘cool’. He has repeatedly attacked such issues, created their solutions and built success stories. This is his differentiated positioning as a new age leader. He is driven by an innate capability to create market fit products and has proved time and again by delivering successful products and services.
Nandwani is an expert in Supply Chain execution and has conceptualized and incubated Digital Commerce Practice for multiple organizations. He is also a people expert, says those who know him. Not only is he ferociously passionate about creating opportunities for people but he is also extremely clear in his goal of creating ‘compelling customer experiences’.
Sunny can connect dots at an enviable pace and has a soft corner for data driven ideas. He believes in staying on ground, with his people and building a culture of inclusive growth. Sunny has been instrumental in redefining the way Brands address their supply chain management challenges. Not one to be satisfied by just ideas, he is always seen on the field, learning and delivering. Sunny’s approach to business leadership is as humane as his approach to life in general – instill strength at the roots so you can create sustainability and reliability from Day 1. No wonder that Acuver Consulting has grown from scratch without any external funding and expanding.
Today, the kind of hustling and on-the-go decision making ability required is easily one of the biggest results of leadership failure. Sunny aces this because of his ability to stay calm and his deep rooted belief that the best kind of results come from collective creativity, hard work, and wise judgment to solve problems. Hard work, resilience, empathy and discipline are his personal favourites.