Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2023
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2023

Industrial Plants & Machinery
Manufacturer of Critical Components of Fuel Pumps & Engines.
Ichalkaranji - 416109

Autoline is single source for many of the customers because of the cost competitiveness due to strategic rural location with overnight djive to major cities, cheap labour availability, strength of experienced qualified engineers and backed by its parent group of Industries known as ‘FIE group’
Autoline is part of this well known FIE group of Industries in India which is engaged in various engineering activities from foundries Aluminium Pressure die casting & Forging to high volume machine shops and from manufacturing of material testing machines to CNC special purpose machines and conventional machine tools.
CEO Details
Mr. Deepak R. Chougule
D.M.E. Govt. Polytechnic, Malvan, Dist. Sindhudurga & Dip. In Q.A.- Chennai
Mr. Deepak R. Chougule working in AUTOLINE From 1996.
Competed his Mech. Engg.Diploma in 1991 from Government Polytechnic Malvan,Dist –Sindhudurg in First Class with distinction. HE joined as a Trainee Engineer in SPM Tools group of well ,known reputed organization’ FIE Group.’
Got experience about Manufacturing of Special Purpose Machines .
In the year 1996, he transferred their group company AUTOLINE –Automotive Manufacturing company as a Production Engineer. And promoted as a Production Manager in the year 2000. Handling over mass production activity for the Customers like Tata Motors Mahindra ,Maruti Suzuki, Bosch and Bajaj Auto.
In the Year 2007 promoted as Manager Q A and Management representative during this period, he had completed Diploma in Q. A.
Up to 2015 they have achieved Six Quality awards from Bajaj –Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Super platinum and Special Quality award also achieved TPM award, Bosch Preferred Supplier award and Pokayoke award.
In the year 2016 management has given im the task of CEO & Plant Head and till working on the same position as a award the Bosch has given him a lean maturity company. With turnover doubled on the same resources .i am very satisfied with the organization and customers.