Ms. Iti Batta
Winner of India 500 CEO Awards 2020
Ms. Iti Batta
Winner of India 500 CEO Awards 2020

Ms. Iti Batta
DIP in Electronics
Mrs Iti Batta is a CEO of Medi Devices. She has attained the name in Uttar Pradesh in the field of Medical Equipment supplier in different stream to various Government and non-Government Organization. she has reached to great heights in business. She has done Diploma in Course of electronics from Shri Anar Devi Khandelwal Mahila Polytechnic Mathura. Many other education programmers are also attended to enlightened the knowledge in the field of Medical Equipment. She has worked very hard and demonstrated that she is much more capable. They therefore commend her leadership and expertise which break many glass ceilings for women around the world and serves as an enforcer of gender equality. The firm is running business all over the Uttar Pradesh in almost all the Medical College of Government / Government departments.
Medi Devices
49 Years
Uttar Pradesh