Grus & Grade Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 500 Startup Awards 2021
Grus & Grade Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 500 Startup Awards 2021

Grus & Grade Pvt Ltd
Private Limited Company
Business & Audit Services
Management related services
Hyderabad - 500046

Grus & Grade is an Agritech cum Consultancy Startup that innovates in the filed of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain Technologies etc., and it’s varied application in Agriculture sector.
The company has been incubated at AspireBioNEST, under Department of Life Science, University of Hyderabad. The company was incorporated on 22.05.2020, having its registered office at Bangalore. However, post incubation at University of Hyderabad, all its operational as well as organizational activities are being operated from AspireBioNEST campus in Hyderabad.
The company was started by Alumni’s of IIT, IIM, D-School and some of the most reputed foreign universities. The highly experienced team has worked in various industrial domains in multiple international companies and sectors for more than a decade. They provide innovative research based strategic consultancy solutions based on their unique 6 D System’s Approach. Their unique value proposition is to provide industry 4.0 technological solutions including Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Blockchain Technology, Augmented Reality based solutions, etc.
Grus and Grade knowledge capital is backed by solid research enabled by IIMs and IITs/NITs, institutes which founding members call their alma mater. They believe that for sustainable solutions firms need to collaborate and hence They have an encompassing approach towards building knowledge partnership with some of the leading consulting firms operating across domains. Their focus is on Sustainable sourcing, circular economy and making firms environmentally positive. Their consortium has experience working with fortune 500 companies, International sectors agencies UN bodies and donor agencies.
The company has from the very first year of its operation has executed 5 global projects under auspices of UN Bodies and could create a revenue of more than INR 3 million and a profit of INR 1 million.
They have completed the following projects: 1. Change Management and Strategy for implementation of i-4 into Nirani Group of Companies 2. Digitalization of Agri Value Chain for commercialization of biofortified food in six states of India. The project was funded by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (Geneva) and HarvestPlus (US) 3. Business Model Development for Fortification of food grains under National Procurement Facility, Nigeria. The project was funded by GAIN Nigeria. 4. End to end technology based on Blockchain for small holder farmers using social capital as a substitute to collateral. The cost of borrowing for small holder farmers will be reduced by 6-7%. The project is under implementation state post development of technology on AI & Blockchain Platform. They are filing for Patent for this technology. The project was funded by University of Hyderabad, Synchrony IT and supported by Samunnati Finance and SEEDS NGO. 5. Project for real time risk measurement and enterprise value calculation using AI technology for Samunnati (Project under development stage) 6. Implementation of GAIN NPF Nigeria (project under progress). They are designing an advanced SAP for procurement management under GAIN Nigeria Project.
All these projects were completed through innovations of Grus & Grade team. These projects were highly The company is final state of Negotiation for the following projects: 1. End to end traceability (using Blockchain) for biofortified food gains, soil quality monitoring, image processing, crop growth monitoring etc.(using AI) for HarvestPlus (US) 2. Traceability solution for fortification ingredients in three states of India (project under GAIN)
They are piloting end to end tracabilty of food grains, crop monitoring and soil quality testing using AI technology for small holder farmers in collaboration with various FPOs in India and HarvestPlus. The delta across the value chain will be calculated at the end to two crop seasons, and in the second stage of product development, They plan to launch with additional features PAN India for farming community.
CEO Details

Mr. Ravi Soni
M.B.A IIM Indore, B.Sc Math (H), Alumni of NTU, Singapore.
Mr. Ravi Soni has worked as senior executive for 14 years in State Bank of India and headed SME Department of the bank before joining Grus & Grade as CEO. He has conducted value chain and supply chain assessment for 3 different projects of GAIN (Digitalization of Agri Value Chain, Supply Chain of fortified food in Assam, Supply chain of Fortified food in Rajasthan & MP in collaboration with Raman Rays). He has also designed AI & Blockchain based procurement management solutions of sugarcane for Nirani Sugars. His research project on multimodal transport system for efficiency in supply chain was published by a leading Journal ‘Celerity India’ in May 2020. He has advised top-level management of Corporates & SMEs in structuring and managing credit portfolios, developing and implementing global strategy, Digital Strategy, executing turnarounds, improving organizational effectiveness, determining marketing channel and supply chain strategies, designing both performance improvement and growth programs, Merger & Acquisition and Performance Management Index. He splits his time in active development of ‘Grus & Grade’ as a global consultancy company with core values of Indian Philosophy of Sustainable Growth in harmony with the nature. He spearheaded the research cum strategic consultancy project of GAIN & HarvestPlus for Digitalization of Agri-value chain in India. This research report was widely acclaimed and appreciated because of its unique approach, mathematical modelling and comparative analysis for various Agri Market service Providers. His analytical algorithm based on mathematical and scientific approach can be most appropriate mechanism to evaluate various financial institutions in Nigeria for supporting SME sector in food & nutrition.