Mechons Industries
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2021
Mechons Industries
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2021

Mechons Industries
Industrial Plants & Machinery
Manufacturer of Fully Automatic Brick Block and Paver Machinery
Rajkot - 360021

Creating jobs and giving platform to the young minds make Mechons a Socially responsible Company. Also by make Eco-friendly Products with latest features and automation is the prime focus of Mechons. They at Mechons believe in Sustainable Development for their Future Generations. Developing Cutting Edge Technologies with Smart and Hybrid Automation without Compromising External Environment and Nature makes our Company most Reliable and Trustworthy. They also make products which ultimately utilize waste or recycle waste in order to get best from waste. By reducing cost of product and without compromising its quality we provide best durable and most economical product to our Nation.
Their Mission is to provide employment to the youth of our country which can help them to rise on their own feet’s making them self dependable. They believe in making Atmanirbhar Bharat but creating and developing Plant and Machinery in India with high end Technology and Automation to get Maximum Output at low Cost and Lesser Man power.
Mechons is also undergoing with many advance research and up gradation in Industry which needs attention. Their Vision 2030 is to become Best Company and Brand in their Sector.
Managing Partner Details

Mr. Setu Patel
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering (Nirma University)
Mr. Setu Patel, is one of the youngest Entrepreneur in his University has started working on his startup project since he was in Semester 5th of his Engineering. With the vision and goal in his mind he wanted to create company which not only make state of the art products but also makes world class finest technology. With the mission of achieving success in his young age , he worked for the company 16-18 hrs a day with full dedication and hard work resulted to makes his company one of the TOP 10 Manufacturer in his Field. He not only runs this company but also had many new startups and family business parallel running. Also being youngest entrepreneurs he is given a platform from his university to present his ideas and thoughts but taking lecturers as an Expert in subject Entrepreneurship development and marketing & sales.
Mr. Setu Patel, believes in Creating job creators then job seekers, as in our country the problem of Unemployment is more. Also Setu being Nature Lover he always try to develop Nature friendly products which had minimum adverse effect on environment. Setu’s dream for India is to reach every needy people which are unaware of basic necessity by providing them to work for Country. Making our Country Self Depended and Developed Nation is Our Vision.