SRK Tool and Modulers Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2021
SRK Tool and Modulers Pvt Ltd
Winner of India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2021

SRK Tool and Modulers Pvt Ltd
Private Limited Company
Consumer Electronics & Household Appliances
Manufacturing electrical parts
Gautam Buddha Nagar
Noida - 201306
Uttar Pradesh

The last financial year(As per Prov. BS) company doing the business of Rs 1500.00 Lacs is engaged in the manufacture of high precision small injection moulds and components, plastic injection moulded components and high precision Tooling and Prototyping. The group manufactures and supplies plastic moulded components to the Automobile, Electrical, Engineering, White Goods and the Medical Industries for domestic Market. The client list of the company includes Havells Shahibabad, Havells Faridabad, Dixon, Nobal, Sage Matel, Roto Pump, Vimal, Sun Industries, PG Electroplast, LG Electronics, Sellowarp, Jaynita Exports, Bio Vada, Sunplast etc..
CEO Details

Mr. Ranbir Bansal
MBA in Finance
The CEO of the Group is Mr. Ranbir Bansal. A Techno commercial . He has undergone training with L & T Demag Ltd., and Macatronics Machine Tool India where he is take the training to operation as well as maintenance the Injection Moulding Machine. He commenced commercial operations in 2010 as a service oriented company in the name of SRK for Job Work on injection moulded machines. Since then the Company has graduated to a complete service provider of plastic injection moulded components and Aluminium die casting part with a 150 men strong team. Over the last 3 years the Company has gradually been converting itself from a Job Worker to a sales driven company and has started manufacturing and selling plastic parts directly to OEM