Priya Kad
Winner of India 5000 Women Achiever Awards 2021
Priya Kad
Winner of India 5000 Women Achiever Awards 2021

Priya Kad
Priya Sandesh Kad, Director of WeRmore Solutions Pvt. Ltd. The company was founded with the aim to address women’s healthcare issues at the same time making them financially independent. It aims to bring happy and prosperous life to millions of people by forming meaningful, long-lasting, and mutually rewarding business associations. It has built up its base through distinguished quality products and income plans- standards of which are widely honored and acclaimed. It has a unique business solution for all classes of people to empower them financially and socially.
Being the co-founder of WeRmore Solutions Pvt. Ltd., our destination and its path was very clear from day one. They have a range of women's healthcare products, which are unique and distinguished in terms of quality and hugely appreciated and liked by their customers. Further, they have effective and efficient business models in form of their several franchisees and their distributors to market, sale and deliver those products to end-users. The company has a network of more than 1000 women either in form of franchisee holders or distributors who are dedicated and determined towards the company’s vision, mission and goal.
she has been awarded by ‘State Level Maharashtra
Youth Idol-2020” from MVLA Trust. Empowering and enabling women financially and
socially has been the objective of their company.
WeRmore Solutions Pvt Ltd.
3 years
Mumbai City