Shreya Sharma
Winner of India 5000 Women Achiever Awards 2021
Shreya Sharma
Winner of India 5000 Women Achiever Awards 2021

Shreya Sharma
Shreya Sharma started her entrepreneurship journey with Rest The Case. One year down, being a CEO of a start-up, she has immersed herself in learning the nitty-gritty of the business world while keeping her head straight to whatever comes in her way. Her first-ever practical work experience in the law was when interning in Cardiff University’s Pro Bono Cell. It helped her to gain insights from the core principles of law and its practice. Starting from getting into Harvard Summer School for International Relations to Getting into Cardiff University has changed her perceptivity about growth and learning. Although she had just begun her career as C.E.O and Founder at 21years of age, Rest The Case has taught her to count achievements in length with learning and not in milestones.
Rest The Case
1 year
Founder & CEO
Legal Advice